Mt. Lebanon has 86 miles of roads, and the challenge is to run them all! Sign up below to join in on the RunLebo challenge and have your name added to the leaderboard + receive a Hoka running t shirt upon completion!
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RuN! You can either
Run with us - join us at 7am on fridays!
choose your own adventure - pick and choose from the routes on the run-go app here, or create your own routes
send your run to
✅ Kevin Bellanca ✅
Miles Complete: 215.0
✅ Tara Fagan ✅
Miles Complete: 125.7
✅ Taylor Grimm ✅
Miles Complete: 127.4
Bethany McGee
Miles Complete: 152.4
Claire Domico
Miles Complete: 127.4
Francesca Corrado
Miles Complete: 107.1
Justin mccabe
Miles Complete: 83.7
Erik Hoeke
Miles Complete: 49.8
Kyrylo Tropin
Miles Complete: 39.6
Megan Pinney
Miles Complete: 35.5
Marty Bacik
Miles Complete: 34.1
Miles Complete: 19.6
Samuel Aves
Miles Complete: 12.5
Joel Beeby
Miles Complete: 8.5
Kelly Jupitz
Miles Complete: 8
Madeline Morycz
Miles Complete: 5.5
Erin Morey
Miles Complete: 0
Max Schoppen
Miles Complete: 0
Chad Bowling
Miles Complete: 0
Brittany Graham
Miles Complete: 0